These conferences have adopted a policy similar to our anti-harassment policy.

Implement the policy at your conference

See Conference anti-harassment for our complete set of resources.

Sponsors requiring a policy for all sponsored events

Speculative Fiction and Fandom Conventions

Free and Open Source Software Conferences

General free and open source software conferences

Python conferences

Linux conferences

Drupal conferences

WordPress conferences

Ruby conferences

Perl conferences

Other language or project-specific free and open source software conferences

Wikimedia and Wiki Conferences

Software Development Conferences

  • AltConf a community-driven event alongside Apple's WWDC
  • Asbury Agile web development conference
  • devmob 2014 multiplatform barcamp conference (not derived from this policy)
  • Devsigner (derived from OpenSourceBridge policy)
  • Distill 2014 (not derived from this policy)
  • DroidCon 2014 Android conference (not derived from this policy)
  • JSFoo 2014 (derived from PyCon's policy which is in turn derived from Geek Feminism)

Technical Conferences

Computer Security and Hacker Conferences

Speculative Fiction and Fandom Conventions

See: Conference anti-harassment/Adoption/SFF for the list of Speculative Fiction and Fandom (SFF) cons; including Anime, Steampunk, and Comic Cons, that have adopted policies.

Libtech, Library, and Archive Conferences

Humanities Conferences

Scientific and Academic Conferences

Skeptic and Science-Related Conferences

Found on that site:

Not found on other site:


Other Geek-related Conferences

Makerspaces/Hackerspaces/Community Workshops

  • CoMotion makerspace at University of Washington
  • I3 Detroit hackerspace in Detroit, MI (not derived from this policy)
  • Interlock Rochester hackerspace in Rochester, NY (not derived from this policy)
  • MakeHackVoid (not derived from this policy)
  • MakeHartford makerspace in Hartford, CT (not derived from this policy)
  • Makerspace Urbana makerspace in Urbana-Champaign, (not derived from this policy)
  • MetaLab makerspace in Vienna, Austria (references an article by the Ada Initiative's ValerieAurora)
  • Milwaukee Makerspace in Milwaukee, WI (not derived from this policy)
  • Windsor Hackforge hackerspace in Windsor, Ontario, Canada (not derived from this policy)
  • ylab (not derived from this policy)

Also see the Feminist_and_women's_hackerspaces list.

Live-Action Roleplaying Games

Meetups and User Groups

See: Conference anti-harassment/Adoption/Meetups_and_User_Groups for the list of meetups and user groups.

Coworking Spaces


Other Events

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