"Staying present" section

Some have pointed out that using a smartphone/laptop can be the only way to feel safe for someone who unexpectedly ends up stuck in a group that is unsafe, whether at a conference or elsewhere. For someone who is marginalized, staying connected to their friends via the Internet can be helpful. As it is, the page seems to ignore this issue.

For example, see: 'This is fucking bullshit and so lacking in intellectual rigor I’m tempted to compare advocating for “disconnecting” in preference for those in proximity to you with otherwise-intelligent people deciding not to vaccinate their children. (A) This idea supposes that the people in proximity to you aren’t fuckheads you want to get away from, (B) this is an idea that is only possible because of the existence of THE MOST AMAZINGLY LIFE-CHANGING THING TO HAPPEN IN OUR LIFETIMES aka the internet, and declining to participate in this thing in favor of only using the old way of communicating with people is such a hardcore-Luddite position to me that we’re back to the vaccines thing (I mean while you’re at it, why not abandon the telephone, too?), and (C) when I am in another country surrounded by strangers, don’t you fucking dare take away my only connection to people I love and trust aka my support network — or at least, don’t do that without providing ANY means of replicating said support network if I need it. (And when I say “I” here, I mean “anyone”. I’m sure there’s lots of reasons beyond mine that someone would want to know who on-site they can talk to if they have whatever problems they have (which again, wide and varied and beyond my knowing).)' -- Courtney Stanton, http://superopinionated.com/2012/09/17/let-this-be-a-lesson/

Monadic (talk) 17:03, October 20, 2012 (UTC)

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