I'd like to rename this to "Bigger issues exist" to make it simpler but aren't too sure about it. Arguments for or against? --Pecc (talk) 10:15, October 12, 2014 (UTC)
FWIW, as the author of "A Mozilla LGBTQ Postscript," I don't believe that specific post is a particualrly good example of the "Many bad things in the world" fallacy.
The structure of that post was purposefully rhetorical in nature to propose that those involved in the events related to Mozilla needed to examine Mozilla's larger position on the issue, its leadership's position on the issue, and confront them directly with the question of "Does Mozilla support setting of community standards that include support for LGBTQ people, since the historical record shows that it has consistently kept silent on the issue?"
The last line of the post suggests that the named individuals in the post continue discussions around setting community standards, but makes the observation (albeit rhetorically) that they're unlikely to be effective if the way they view Mozilla (i.e. as an inclusive orgnazation) actually is predicated on an assumption (i.e. they are an inclusive organization), which could be shown to be false. The intention was not to say "Ignore the Planet situation because there are other bad (Mozilla) things to talk about," but rather to suggest "The method and level at which you're attempting to solve the problem is likely to be ineffective, given Mozilla's past behavior. Here is a suggestion for a more potentially more effective path to solve the issue"
I personally was all for the continuation of discussion regarding community standards (though, I did not personally participate in any of them, since I was no longer an employee of the Mozilla Corporation and I when I resigned from the Planet Module [which I did so not directly due to the events described in the blog post], I effectively no longer considered myself a member of the Mozilla community, either.)
tl;dr: that specific blog post is a poor example of the"Many bad things..." fallacy.
I suggest finding better examples.
Other names for this idea
It might be worth mentioning that this logic is formally known as the fallacy of relative privation; right now it's difficult to find if you don't know the exact informal title we chose for it. Perhaps we might also link to Not as bad as over on RationalWiki, which is their page about the same fallacy? (I don't know how regular Geek Feminism Wiki editors feel about RationalWiki, but the latter has seemed strongly feminist too from what I've seen of it.) 00Davo (talk) 07:19, August 9, 2016 (UTC)