TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon incident A team at the 2013 TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon presented the TitStare app, which allows users to post and view pictures of men staring at people's cleavage. The presenters were Jethro Batts and David Boulton. Jethro Batts also goes by Jethro Elton. David R. Boulton is from Sydney, Australia and formerly developed HateYouCards.
Another presenter pretended to masturbate on stage, presenting an app called Circle Shake. The presenter was Kangmo Kim, aka nanolat.
TechCrunch apologized for the incidents. They also submitted an apology letter which was ill received.
Media coverage of the incident and commentary was widespread.
- Forbes article by Tim Worstall explains to women that they need to grow up and not be too sensitive. Outrageously, in an epic concern troll, he addressed a 9 year old girl by name who presented at the hackathon to explain to her that she had to just get used to a world where she would be sexually harassed.
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