Debra Scott, PMP
Debra is a program manager in HP's Open Source Program Office. She has been managing open source related programs for HP since 2001. She is very interested in community focused business models. Projects, initiatives and programs she has led for HP include:
- Led and managed the group who defined the first Linux supply chain in HP for Integrity servers
- Acted as technical liason for HP with Suse
- Led and managed a custom Debian development program that added telco functionality to the Debian project
- Contributed to the OpenSAF project website and marketing efforts as well as coordinating similar information internally to HP
- Managed an HP internal "One Voice" program to coordinate HP requirements submittals to Red Hat
- Heavily contributed to an HP internal Open Source Training initiative
- Manages the HP internal OpenStack Special Interest Group with over 600 members
Debra also uses and evangelizes for many open source projects by promoting their use among non-profits that she is affiliated with.
Debra holds a bachelors degree in Computer Science/Math minor from Regis University, she was the first woman to complete the Trident Refit Facility Electronics Apprenticeship (a rigorous 4 year program equivalent to a BSEE), she is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with the Project Management Institute (PMI), and holds a Masters Certificate in Project Management from George Washington School of Business.