

Hi everybody!

My name is Hadrien, and I consider myself to be one slowly learning newbie in the world of male allies to feminism. I figured out some time ago that I really wanted to help over here, but I'm still deep into the learning process. Making tons of of mistakes, questioning every difficult point of the Feminism 101 in an attempt to fully figure it out, embracing all the awkwardness instead of running away from it, and trying my best not to be That Guy as they say. Hopefully, this will all ultimately turn me into a better person.

Apart from that, I'm most certainly a geek, doing a PhD in experimental condensed matter physics (Yay, flying superconductors!) and having a strong interest in many things tech-related as a hobby. I currently envision satisfying both interests by getting into the business of physical experiment automation or data processing, but that's still very much wishful thinking for now. At this point, I'm rather stuck in the professional hell of figuring out how I ended up in this project which I don't really enjoy so much anymore, how I can make the best out of this situation, and what I'm going to become after the end of this contract. Time will tell how this pans out.

I used to love to read books, but PhD mood and telecom ADHD has gotten the best of me in that area, so now I rarely manage to get beyond 5 pages of text in a row without feeling an irrepressible urge to do something else. Well-worded interactive text (including in video games!) still can keep me hooked for several days in a row, however. And writing is something I have always liked and still love to do, especially on technical and philosophic subjects. I also love anime, but don't ask me to draw anything unless you want to die from the artistic shock of how bad sketches can actually get ^^ Oh, and cycling, archery, and learning Japanese are cool, too.

When it comes to writing in particular, I am not very good at structuring, summarizing and seeing things globally. But I take pride in my ability to explain something well, work out the details of whatever I'm working on, and polish lumps of words into perfection whenever I feel a need to. So with a bit of luck, by associating with people who have other sets of writing abilities/disabilities, I can be of some help around here, and slowly improve myself in the areas where I'm weak at the same time! :)

I guess that's it! This is all already getting too long anyway ^^ Hopefully, see you all around!

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