"List of women in Computer Science" article likely out of date.

Due to the Geek Feminism Wiki being in archival mode, this article is likely out of date, reflecting the state of the world circa 2009–2013.

A more up to date source may be found at Wikipedia:Category:Women computer scientists.

You may also use this content elsewhere, see Wikia:Licensing for details of the license.

See also List of women in software engineering for women whose work is in development rather than research.

Well-known women in computer science

  • Fran Allen, pioneer in compilers, winner of the 2006 Turing Award
  • Elisa Bertino, widely cited database and security researcher
  • Anita Borg
  • Deborah Estrin, networking researcher, one of the most widely cited computer scientists with an h-index of nearly 100 (an h-index is the highest h such that the researcher has published h papers each with h citations)
  • Sally Floyd, widely cited networking researcher, developer of key TCP specifications
  • Adele Goldberg, co-developed Smalltalk language
  • Shafi Goldwasser, theoretical computer scientist and 2012 Turing Award winner
  • Margaret Hamilton coined the term "software engineering" and was the lead flight software developer for the Apollo 11 moon landing. [1]
  • Grace Hopper
  • Sara Kiesler, widely cited human-computer interactions researcher
  • Daphne Koller, widely cited artificial intelligence researcher
  • Barbara Liskov, programming languages researcher and 2008 Turing Award winner
  • Ada Lovelace, worked on first computer, invented/discovered recursion in computer programming
  • Mary Kenneth Keller, believed to be the first female PhD in computer science
  • Radia Perlman, invented Spanning Tree Protocol
  • Karen Spärck Jones, computational linguistics and information retrieval pioneer
  • Lixia Zhang, widely cited networking researcher

Other women in computer science

See also List of women tech book writers

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