"List of women keynote presenters at technical conferences" article likely out of date.

Due to the Geek Feminism Wiki being in archival mode, this article is likely out of date, reflecting the state of the world circa 2009–2013.

You can copy this content elsewhere and update it, see Wikia:Licensing for details of the license.

This list is of women who have given keynote presentations or invited talks (that is, especially invited as a drawcard talk, not competing with other streams) at Technical conferences.

This list is publicly editable, if your event or your talks are missing you are welcome to add them! No event is too small or niche to include. We interpret "technical" fairly broadly; use your best judgement.

Names are sorted by surname within each field.

Uses of this list include:

  • finding experienced women speakers for your technical event
  • finding women leaders to learn from or emulate in your technical field
  • finding technical events with a history of featuring women keynote speakers in their program

This list is very incomplete, so don't use it for quantitative statements, eg don't use it for "X% of conferences have a woman keynoting" or "there have been N women giving technical keynotes in the last 5 years" or "field N has more women in it than field M".

Creative Commons and open knowledge

Computer science

Main article: Computer Science

AI and Machine Learning

Education and technology

Engineering, hardware, electronics etc


Main article: FLOSS, List of women in FLOSS

Information security

  • Kelly Lum, LASCON 2015


  • Nadia Amin, Strange Loop 2014
  • Rachel Appel
    • CodeStock 2010
    • GRDevDay 2014
    • CodePaLOUsa 2015,
    • Boise Code 2016
  • Leila Boujnane, RubyFringe, 2008
  • Amber Brown
    • PyCon CZ, 2015
    • PyCon TW, 2016
  • Mary Rose Cook
    • JSConf 2011
    •  !!Con 2015
  • Katherine Daniels, Codemania 2016
  • Julia Evans
  • Jenny Finkel, Strange Loop 2013
  • Camille Fournier, !!Con 2014
  • Jessica Frazelle, Github Universe 2016
  • Mary Gardiner, PyCon AU, 2011
  • Adele Goldberg PyCon, 2007
  • Katy Huff, PyHPC 2015
  • Allison Kaptur, Kiwi PyCon, 2015
  • Jessica Kerr
    • ElixirConf 2015
    • Codemesh 2014
    • Scala eXchange 2015
  • Hilary Mason
    • Strange Loop 2010
    • Strata NY 2011
    • PyCon 2011
  • Jessica McKellar
    • DjangoCon Europe 2012
    • PyCon Canada 2012
    • PyCon 2013
  • Sarah Mei, RubyConf 2012
  • Jen Myers, Strange Loop 2013
  • Rachel Myers, ScotRuby 2013
  • Rachel Reese
    • PrairieDevCon 2016
    • PolyConf 2016
    • CodeMotion Dubai
  • Audrey Roy, PyCon AU 2012
  • Catt Small, !!Con 2016
  • Audrey Tang
    • PyCon TW 2016
  • Brenda Wallace, Kiwi PyCon 2015

Systems administration / SRE / DevOps

Main article: System administration

  1. ChefConf, 2014

Technology (general)

Note: this section is for conferences that cross several of the fields on this page.

Web2.0 and social media

Main articles: Web2.0, Blogging

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.